Helping Developers Succeed With Modular Construction
Designed For Infill & Energy Efficiency
We've developed a range of energy-efficient models optimized for infill development and offsite manufacturing.
Our models work with various lot sizes—townhomes, duplexes, detached single-family, and multifamily. Each home is designed to fit the Department of Energy's Zero Energy Ready Home program's standards, which means a more durable, eco-friendly, and overall better-built home than a standard code-built house.

Modular Development Simplified
Step 1

We jointly evaluate whether your project makes sense to be built by Module.
Step 2

We produce final drawings, secure building permits, and lock-in pricing for the factory-built components.
Step 3

We build the homes in the factory, deliver and install them with a crane, and complete any finish work.
Step 4

We monitor utility performance of the home and occupant comfort, secure certifications, and coordinate warranty-related items.

Black Street

This mixed-income development includes market-rate for-sale housing, affordable for-sale housing, and a duplex unit. The project was led by Module's development arm.
Design Partner: Brind'Amour Design
Rosetta Street

10 Units of market rate and affordable-for-sale housing, led by a Pittsburgh-based community land trust.
Design Partner: Desmone Architects

Ed Nusser, Developer
As a developer committed to creating homes that are affordable to live in, not just buy, Module is a natural partner for City of Bridges Community Land Trust. Their commitment to 21st century, high-quality housing aligns with our mission to set homeowners up for success. Module’s integrated design process saves time and headaches allowing us to get to work in an efficient manner to create more permanently affordable homes.

Joan Pauly, Developer
After an exhaustive national search for the turn-key module housing product I was looking for, I am thrilled to have found Module and their team. My end goal as a developer and builder is to offer homeowners a quality, healthy, high performing home using the efficiencies found in modular home offsite construction. Module not only exceeded my hopes that a product such as this exists, but they have proven their design concepts in the field.

Matthew Brind'Amour, AIA | NCAR
I enjoy working with Module because the projects we collaborate on are low-touch. The Module team has spent a lot of time and effort developing a precise process, which allows me to limit my own time to focusing on just the important details. I can move quickly through redlining drawings and site administration is minimal. With Module, I can work on many more projects without added stress."